Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sharjah Biennial

I was impressed! What can I say more :) 

I headed to Sharjah to see the biennial:

The atmosphere is great, and you can walk around in the city and see all kind of creations. Also, some of the artists are there and you can see them working! 

I have to admit that the exposition was great. There is a mix of cultures and visions reflected in every work I saw. It is also a pleasure to see great artists from the Arab world. 

This trip was also the first time for me to drive to Sharjah. I have to admit that before hearing about the biennal i wasn't very excited to go this very traditional Emirate. But once I arrived I found something very intersting and very attaching to the city. One can feel that family is in the center of everything. I also felt that there was some kind of positive energy there that changes from the tall and cold buildings and streets of Dubai. The Emirate is positionning itself as a place for arts and museums. It is definetely worth a visit!